ODT Posts November PLF Distribution
The Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) recently posted the November 2023 Public Library Fund (PLF) distribution of $42,022,696 — which is $1 million or – 2.33% below ODT’s original estimate that was issued in July 2022; and $1.77 million or + 4.44% above ODT’s updated estimate issued in December 2022.
This illustrates the changing economy over the past year and how ODT updated their distribution estimates. Also, it is consistent with the updated PLF Cash Flow estimates provided by Dr. Howard Fleeter for the remainder of this year. The PLF Calendar Year (CY) 2023 year-to-date total is $466,035,486.
According to the Office of Budget and Management (OBM), overall state tax receipts for the month of October came in $162.6 million or 7.2% above expectations.
A look at the PLF distribution for the past three years and a link to an Excel spreadsheet listing each county’s distribution total for November 2023 can be found on the OLC website.