Core Competencies
Ohio Public Library Core Competencies
The Ohio Public Library Core Competencies are carefully selected lists of skills necessary for public library staff members to be successful in their work. The Core Competencies are useful in creating job descriptions, hiring and evaluating staff, and selecting training opportunities that help staff develop or enhance specific skills. In addition, the Core Competencies can help you strengthen your areas of expertise. Every educational event sponsored by the OLC includes Core Competencies that will be addressed, making it easier for you to identify programming that will improve your skills, enhance your knowledge, and further your career.
Complete Core Competencies
Excel Spreadsheet w/ competencies tabs
Download and customize for your library.
Complete Document (PDF, 44 pages)
Summary (PDF, 7 pages)
Competencies by Track (PDFs)
Tracks represent the varied roles of library staff (library staff may find their job duties reflected in more than one track).
- Foundational (Competencies necessary for all library staff)
- Adult Services
- Children’s Services
- Circulation Services
- Digital Media Services
- Director
- Facilities and Maintenance
- Fiscal Officer
- Genealogy and Local History
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Management and Administrative
- Marketing and Public Relations
- Outreach Services
- Safety and Security
- Technical Services
- Teen Services
Core Competency Abbreviations
All OLC training sessions cite the primary competency addressed by the program. Use this information to select sessions that will develop or enhance specific skills. The abbreviations for the competencies are listed below:
ACQ: Acquisition
ADP: Adaptability
ADV: Advocacy
BLG: Building Management
CMD: Cataloging and Metadata
CLM: Collection Management
COM: Communication
ENG: Community Engagement
CNG: Contracts and Negotiation
CTS: Customer Service
DEL: Delegation
EMP: Emergency Preparedness
EDI: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
TEC: Essential Technology Skills
ETH: Ethics
FAC: Facilitation
FCS: Facilities
FIS: Fiscal Operations
FUN: Fundraising
INN: Innovation
INF: Intellectual Freedom
LAW: Laws
LDS: Leadership
MAR: Marketing
OGA: Organizational Awareness
PAR: Organizational Partnerships
PAW: Patron Awareness
PIN: Patron Instruction
ORG: Personal Organization
PER: Personnel Management
POL: Policies and Procedures
PRS: Problem Solving
PRC: Processing
PRG: Programming
PRM: Project Management
RAD: Reader’s Advisory
RMG: Records Management
REF: Reference
SAF: Safety and Security
STF: Staff Development
STP: Strategic Planning
TWK: Teamwork
TIS: Technology Infrastructure Support