Friends of the Library Workshop: Friends and Libraries Working Together Toward a Prosperous Future

October 28, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Crowne Plaza Columbus North
6500 Doubletree Ave
Columbus, OH 43229

Sponsored by OLC’s Library Education Committee in cooperation with OLC Divisions.

Overview: This workshop will focus on collaboration between Libraries and Friends organizations with the goal of making each more efficient and successful in a variety of endeavors. Presenters will discuss topics such as coordinating programming support, sharing volunteers, book sale tips in house and online, marketing ideas and more.

REGISTER @ my OLC | Deadline to register: 10/23/2016.

Registration Fees:
Member: $85* | Non-Member: $170
*Individual members or staff of OLC institutional member libraries or members of Friends Groups that are members of OLC.

Intended Audience:
This workshop is designed for members of Friends of the Library groups, library directors, and Friends of the Library staff liaisons.

What’s included:  

  • All handouts as provided by workshop instructors
  • Morning coffee, light refreshments, and lunch

Continuing Education Credits: For those working toward their Ohio Public Librarian or Public Library Staff re-certification, this workshop counts as six (6) continuing education contact hours.

If a hotel room is needed, the OLC suggests that you make your reservation with the Crowne Plaza Columbus North. The OLC has reserved a block of rooms at a reduced rate of $104 (plus applicable taxes). To receive this rate, please indicate that you are attending the Ohio Library Council event when you call to reserve your room. Call the hotel directly at (614) 885-1885.



9:00 a.m. | Registration

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
How Your Friends Group Can Be One of Your Greatest Marketing Assets

Sponsored by: OLC’s Marketing and Public Relations Division

Library staff and Friends of the Library members will learn how true collaboration between the two entities will enhance and support the efforts of each.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to create brand alignment between Friends groups and the library
  • How coordinated social media can be an effective tool for Friends groups and the library
  • How to coordinate communication about Friends activities and library activities

Presenters:  Kim Senft-Paras, Director; Georgia Mergler, Community Relations Manager; Peter Adams, President of the Friends of the Washington-Centerville Public Library

Primary Ohio Public Library Core Competencies addressed: Teamwork/Marketing


10:30 – 10:40 a.m. | Break
10:40 – 11:40 a.m.
Collaboration, Marketing, & Outreach – Beyond the Money

Sponsored by: OLC’s Management and Administration Division

In this presentation Benjamin Reid, Huron Public Library Director, and Barbara Wilson, Friends of the HPL President, will discuss the collaboration between the library and the Friends on multiple projects, culminating with the roll-out of a head-turning outreach tool.

Learning Objectives:

  • Collaboration and cost sharing
  • Programming and partnerships
  • Support for outreach in unexpected places

Presenters:  Benjamin Reid, Director, Huron Public Library; Barbara Wilson, President, Friends of the Huron Public Library

Primary Ohio Public Library Core Competencies addressed: Teamwork/Delegation


11:40 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. | Lunch and Networking Opportunity


12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
Cross Pollination of Library and Friends Volunteers

Sponsored by: OLC’s Small Libraries Division

There are many tasks that are completed at the public library on a daily basis. Many are implemented by library employees who are busy fulfilling patron requests and needs, but there are some tasks that would never be completed were it not for library volunteers. Many libraries have library volunteers and Friends of the Library volunteers.  Can you imagine what could be accomplished when both groups work together?  Learn from an experienced volunteer how you can use cross pollination of library and friends volunteers to bring success to your initiatives.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to recruit library and Friends of the Library volunteers
  • How to use your library volunteers in a Friends of the Library volunteer role
  • How to use your Friends of the Library volunteers in a library volunteer role
  • How to identify volunteers in the building
  • How to interview volunteers
  • How to track volunteer hours

Presenter:  Jennifer Ricketts Austin, Assistant Director/Teen Librarian/Volunteer Coordinator, Coshocton Public Library

Primary Ohio Public Library Core Competencies addressed: Organizational skills/Project management


1:45 – 1:55 p.m. | Break


1:55 -2:55 p.m.
From Trash to Treasure – Managing Online and Store Sales

Sponsored by: OLC’s Marketing and Public Relations Division

The Friends of the Library Book Warehouse in Mount Vernon, Ohio, handles more than a half a million items for sale to the public and online each summer. Learn how they manage online sales as an Amazon Direct Ship Warehouse Provider. The panel will share some of what they have learned about creating and managing a brick & mortar store in an abandoned meat processing plant and their mission to donate suitable materials to libraries, schools, and charitable organizations worldwide to get the most “bang for their buck” without overwhelming library staff or Friends volunteers.

Learning objectives:

  • How to take your book sale to the next level without falling off
  • Online book sales vs. brick & mortar store – the truth behind the scanners
  • “But I Don’t Want To Punch a Time Clock!” – how to manage volunteers
  • Using book sales as library marketing and outreach tools – our worldwide reach

Panel from the Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County Public Library:
Linette Porter-Metler, Community Relations Director/Friends Past President/Current Friends of the Library Liaison; Randy Metler, Friends of the Library Book Warehouse Founder Volunteer Manager and Online Sales Administrator; Patrick Rossi, Friends of the Library Book Warehouse Volunteer; Roy and Toni Glaser, (Past President) Friends of the Library Volunteer Treasurer and Secretary and Book Warehouse Volunteers

Primary Ohio Public Library Core Competencies addressed: Organizational skills/Project management/Fundraising


2:55 – 3:05 p.m. | Break


3:05 – 4:00 p.m.
Idea Sharing Panel

Sponsored by: OLC’s Management and Administration, Children’s Services and Adult Services Divisions

This session will start with a group of panelists who will share how their Friends organizations and libraries are already working together.  The second half of this session will be opened up for Q&A as well as an opportunity for you to share ideas for collaboration.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a better understanding of successful collaborations
  • Get answers to your questions
  • Exchange ideas

Panel: Laura Lee Wilson, Director, Huron County Community Library; William Rutger, Director, Ashland Public Library; Linda Uhler, Manager Youth Services, Westerville Public Library

Moderator: Tony Howard, Director, Pickerington Public Library

Primary Ohio Public Library Core Competencies addressed: Teamwork/Facilitation

4:00 p.m. | Workshop Adjourns