OLC Testifies in Support of HB 2 – Broadband Expansion Program

On March 9, Jay Smith, OLC’s Director of Government and Legal Services testified on House Bill (HB) 2 in front of the Ohio Senate Financial Institutions and Technology Committee. HB 2 would utilize a competitive grant pool to fund the last mile of broadband infrastructure in Ohio. The OLC supports the creation of the Ohio Residential Broadband Expansion Grant Program, which HB 2 would establish via a public-private partnership. Grants would be available to private internet service providers to expand service to Ohioans living in traditionally underserved areas.

During his testimony, Smith noted the importance of access to the internet in today’s society and its essential function as a basic utility. Smith told lawmakers how the need for high-speed internet became even more evident and profound with the onset of the pandemic and how libraries worked quickly to meet that need. He shared examples of libraries boosting their Wi-Fi signals to reach into their parking lots and leaving their Wi-Fi on at night.

“A library in southeast Ohio reported that 50% of their Wi-Fi usage takes place after the library’s normal business hours,” Smith said.

Smith also reported that the majority of Ohio’s public libraries are now loaning mobile Wi-Fi hotspots to keep their communities connected. Smith showed the committee a Wi-Fi hotspot from the Upper Arlington Public Library so they could see how Ohioans can easily take one of these devices home and get online.

“Although Wi-Fi hotspots are a temporary fix to the problem – the lack of broadband, libraries are always actively seeking solutions to help get their communities connected,” Smith said.

Smith told the committee that HB 2 will help incentivize the expansion of broadband access into much needed areas of the state and shared OLC’s strong support for its passage.

The testimony was covered live on the Ohio Channel and a video recording is available on the Ohio Channel website. [OLC testimony begins at the 21:25 mark]

A transcript of the testimony is also available on the OLC website.