Join OLC’s Advocacy Efforts to Restore the PLF

Statehouse photo

Save the date – OLC’s Legislative Day will be held on April 9 at the Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus. Learn more at

Activity for the 133rd General Assembly session is in full swing. Both the House and the Senate were in session today with a full schedule. It’s essential that members of the public library community understand all they can about the new legislature and administration as efforts get underway to advocate for the restoration of the state’s funding of the Public Library Fund (PLF). The OLC has created a number of resources to help you advocate on behalf of Ohio’s public libraries and prepare for the upcoming state budget deliberations.


Advocacy Webinar
The OLC hosted a webinar that included the latest information from the Statehouse as well as tools and techniques for developing relationships with legislators. If you missed the webinar, a recording is available on the OLC website.


Advocacy Tools
The new Restore the PLF website is live and ready with tools and information to help you when contacting legislators. The site includes a white paper on library funding, contact information for legislators (including their social media accounts), templates for bookmarks, infographics and other advocacy tools.