Urgent Action is Necessary to Protect the PLF

Tell Ohio Lawmakers postThe Ohio House has decided NOT to maintain the Public Library Fund (PLF) at the current level of 1.7% as we requested. However, Rep. Marlene Anielski (R-Walton Hills) informed the OLC this morning that she will be submitting an amendment to protect the PLF at 1.68% so that it is not reduced to 1.66% of the General Revenue Fund (GRF).


Library directors, boards of trustees, fiscal officers, library staff, and Friends and Foundation groups need to contact members of Ohio House Leadership and members of the Ohio House Finance Committee. Contacts need to be made by phone, email or in-person by 4:00 p.m. Friday afternoon (April 28).


If legislators do not hear from libraries, this will not happen and the PLF percentage will be reduced back to 1.66%. Legislators heard testimony this morning from public schools and other entities about cuts in funding. THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM PUBLIC LIBRARIES.


Tell House Leadership and members of the House Finance Committee:
  • To NOT cut state funding to Ohio’s public libraries.
  • Urge them to support Rep. Anielski’s Amendment
  • Share what your library is doing in response to the opioid crisis and how you are helping Ohioans find jobs – these are priorities for the House!
Even if you have contacted legislators recently, contact them again with our new information.




Only you can explain the real impact your library has on the community. A show of support is needed to protect the PLF from cuts. Please act now!