Special Election to Amend OLC Code of Regulations Continues Through Oct. 14

The special election to allow members to accept or reject proposed amendments to the OLC Code of Regulations continues through Fri., Oct. 14. The OLC Board of Directors recommends that the Code of Regulations be amended to allow for the following changes to the OLC’s organizational structure and governance:

Proposal 1: Dissolve the OLC Chapters

Following the 2017 Chapter Conferences, the current six geographically-based Chapters (Central, North, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest) would be dissolved.

Beginning in 2018, the OLC would host conferences and workshops at various locations around the state with content developed by Committees and Division Action Councils, as directed and approved by the Professional Development Committee (formerly the Library Education Committee).

Proposal 2: Update Titles of the OLC Officers

The titles of the officers would change to:

  • Chair of the Board
  • Vice Chair of the Board/Chair-Elect
  • Secretary-Treasurer
  • Immediate Past Chair

The OLC Officers are elected by the Board of Directors, not by the membership at-large, and these updated titles reflect the true nature of the role of the officers and their service to the organization.

In order to make informed decisions, members are encouraged to refer to several resources that are available on the OLC website including:

  1. Background information regarding the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Review and Restructuring, the rationale for the proposed changes, and the process for approval by the membership.
  2. Specific amendments to the OLC Code of Regulations that reflect the proposed changes.
  3. Special webcast explaining the proposed amendments and changes (complete the technology test before viewing).

OLC members with a valid e-mail address on file will receive an e-mail message with instructions on how to vote online. Members without a valid e-mail address on file will receive a paper ballot in the mail. All votes must be cast or postmarked by Oct. 14, 2016. The election results will be announced on Oct. 19.

If you have not received information by either mail or e-mail regarding casting your vote, please contact the OLC at (614) 410-8092.