ODT Ends Bulk Distribution of State Tax Forms

In recent years the Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) has found that only 10 percent of printed personal income tax returns end up being filed with the state of Ohio. To eliminate waste, the ODT has decided to end the bulk distribution of Ohio’s paper tax forms. However, ODT will continue to provide Income Tax Instruction booklets to organizations (including public libraries) participating in their distribution program.

All libraries participating in the program should receive an official communication from the ODT with information to share with customers who request paper forms. Libraries are encouraged to share this information with customers and staff. Paper forms can still be obtained by:
  1. Visiting the Ohio Department of Taxation website
  2. Calling the 24-hour form request line at 1-800-282-1782
  3. Writing to the Ohio Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 2476, Columbus, Ohio 43216-2476

Electronic Filing Information