State Budget Update: Senate Finance Committee Prepares State Budget Bill for Vote

The state budget is expected to take another key step forward this week. The Senate Finance Committee will meet later today to make final changes to its budget bill through an omnibus amendment. HB 166 will then be reported out of committee and sent to the Senate floor for a vote by the full chamber. Next, the House and Senate will enter conference committee negotiations to create a compromise bill that they can send to Gov. Mike DeWine’s desk.


Call to Action:
All library directors, fiscal officers and Board members should contact their members of the Ohio Senate to thank them for their commitment to Ohio’s public libraries and for increasing the Public Library Fund (PLF) from 1.68% to 1.7% of the General Revenue Fund (GRF) in HB 166. Email or call your State Senator before June 20 and thank them for investing in Ohio’s public libraries!


Within the next two weeks, all library Boards of Trustees are encouraged to adopt resolutions that: (1) thank the Ohio Senate for making public libraries a priority in the budget and increasing the PLF percentage in Sub. HB 166; and (2) encourage the Ohio House and Gov. DeWine to retain the Senate’s proposed increase in the PLF in the final version of the state’s FY20-21 budget. The OLC has drafted a sample resolution that libraries can use. Please send a copy of your Board’s resolution to your Senate and House members, share the resolution with your local media, and forward a copy to Michelle Francis, at


Sample Resolution

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