ODT Issues Initial CY20 PLF Certification

The Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) posted its initial county-by-county certifications for the Public Library Fund (PLF) for calendar year (CY) 2020. Each county’s estimated entitlement is available on the ODT website. A spreadsheet of the month-by-month estimates for each county is also available below.


CY20 PLF Estimate by County  (Excel file)
Be sure to select the “PLF” tab which is the 3rd tab of the spreadsheet.


Please read the information carefully. The CY20 entitlement estimates are based on the PLF percentage being set at 1.70% of the state’s General Revenue Fund (GRF) for fiscal year (FY) 2020 and FY21. ODT’s initial statewide PLF distribution estimate for CY20 is $414,592,708. As required by law, these estimates will be updated again in December 2019.


More library funding information is available on the OLC website.