OLC’s Trustee Dinners Coming This Spring  

Plan now to attend one of the six events the OLC will host around the state this year for library trustees and administrators. These events are great opportunities for library leaders to get essential information on what the OLC is doing to address the issues impacting Ohio’s public libraries…and how trustees and administrators should be involved.
Traditional Dinner Programs in Four Locations
At four locations — Central, Northeast, Eastern, and Northwest Ohio — the dinner program will include the traditional update on the OLC activities, a discussion about the issues impacting today’s public libraries, and important information that public library trustees and administrators can use to be effective advocates for their libraries and serve their communities.
New Program Formats in Two Locations
New this year, at two locations — Southwest and Northern Ohio — the dinner will feature heavy hors d’oeuvres and small plate entrees, and the program will include interactive, roundtable discussions to address the challenges facing library trustees and administrators. A recap of the discussions and an update on the latest issues impacting libraries will follow.
Registration is Now Open
The registration fee is $40 for each event. Learn more and register.